Plants defend their territory with toxic substances

Plants are stakeholders in a subtle and complex chemical warfare to secure optimal growth conditions. Although it has been known for decades that plants produce and release chemical substances to fight their neighbors, it ...

Researchers succeed in making generations of mouse clones

Using the technique that created Dolly the sheep, researchers from the RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology in Kobe, Japan have identified a way to produce healthy mouse clones that live a normal lifespan and can be sequentially ...

Mechanism for potential Friedreich's ataxia drug uncovered

Using clever chemistry, a Scripps Research team has pinpointed the enzyme target of a drug group that stops the progression of the devastating disease Friedreich's ataxia in mice and may do the same for humans. The findings, ...

Enzyme key to learning in fruit flies

An animal's reaction to an odor or food or other stimuli depends largely on past experiences and how they have been entered into memory.