Beloved Colombian hippos pose environmental dilemma

At dusk, the street lights flicker on around a city park, located not far from the Magdalena River in Colombia. An enormous figure emerges from the shadows. It lumbers forward, stopping to graze on the grass. The scene verges ...

Could hippos be meat eaters?

People often think hippos are herbivores with big smiling faces. Every now and then, reports of a hippo of hunting down prey, eating a carcass, or stealing prey from a crocodile are heard, but they're typically considered ...

Pygmy hippo takes his first swim

He may be tiny but pygmy hippo Sapo made a big splash when he took a dip in his outdoor pool for the first time this week.

New discovery of the earliest known hippo fossil in the UK

A fossil of an extinct species of hippo that is over one million years old has been discovered in Somerset by researchers at Royal Holloway, University of London and the University of Leicester. This finding surpasses the ...

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