Occupational hazards for ancient Egyptian scribes

Repetitive tasks carried out by ancient Egyptian scribes—high-status men with the ability to write who performed administrative tasks—and the positions they sat in while working may have led to degenerative skeletal changes, ...

The two-century-old mystery of Waterloo's skeletal remains

More than 200 years after Napoleon met defeat at Waterloo, the bones of soldiers killed on that famous battlefield continue to intrigue Belgian researchers and experts, who use them to peer back to that moment in history.

3D imaging of a pelvis suggests social care for saber-tooths

You can't spell 'Smilodon fatalis' without 'fatal', but researchers at La Brea Tar Pits may have found a softer side to saber-toothed cats along with a connection to our own feline and canine companions.

Researchers discover four dinosaurs in Montana

A team of paleontologists from the University of Washington and its Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture excavated four dinosaurs in northeastern Montana this summer. All fossils will be brought back to the Burke Museum ...

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