Roadkill hot spots identified in California

An interactive map shows how California's state highway system is strewn with roadkill "hot spots," which are identified in a newly released report by the Road Ecology Center at the University of California, Davis. The data ...

Driver drowsiness detected by Eyetracker

Car drivers must be able to react quickly to hazards on the road at all times. Dashboard-mounted cameras help keep drivers alert. At the VISION trade fair in Stuttgart, Germany, researchers are presenting this system from ...

'Connected' cars would aim to keep drivers in the loop

While Google's self-driving car is getting heaps of attention, a lesser-known effort that would employ cutting-edge technologies to make regular automobiles safer is fast gaining traction.

Highway noise deters communication between birds

New research from University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences researchers shows birds may be avoiding habitats near noisy highways because they can't hear fellow birds' alarms that warn them of attacking ...

Feds urge states to ban texting, talking on roads

(AP) -- Ren Bishop is one of many American drivers who texts, tweets and talks on her cellphone while she's behind the wheel - and thinks it should be up to drivers to use their discretion when it comes to safety.

Limestone powder enhances performance of 'green' concrete

Adding limestone powder to "green" concrete mixtures—those containing substantial amounts of fly ash, a byproduct of coal-burning power plants—can significantly improve performance, report researchers from the National ...

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