Mixed signals on cellphone bans

It's legal in 41 states for drivers to use hand-held cell phones, and a leading highway safety organization recommends keeping it that way for now.

Software takes a hard look at traffic fatalities

Bergen County Police and a Hackensack, N.J., drug treatment center are among a growing number of agencies using a software program to identify dangerous intersections, spot teen driving trends and reduce accident fatalities.

Government investigating Saturn Ion steering issue

The government is investigating whether General Motors should recall the Saturn Ion compact car for the same steering defect that affected the Chevrolet Cobalt, a similar car.

Action urged to deal with handheld phone use in cars

(HealthDay)—Strong action is urged to tackle the growing problem of handheld phone use and texting while driving, according to a viewpoint published in the March 6 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association.

US to examine technology for automated cars

(AP)—Cars that drive themselves may hold the potential to save thousands of lives, an Obama administration safety official said Tuesday, as the U.S. government prepares to launch a research initiative to determine the safety ...

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