Importance of maths not fully understood by students

Too many sixth form students do not have a realistic understanding of either the relevance of Mathematics and Statistics to their discipline or of the demands that will be put upon them in undergraduate study, according to ...

Closing the US innovation deficit

The federal government needs to increase its funding for research and development in order for the U.S. to keep its competitive edge in technology, science, health care and defense, officials told a Senate committee on Tuesday, ...

The scientific legacy of colonialism in Africa

Colonial legacy has a significant impact on scientific productivity across the continent of Africa, according to a study by researchers at the University of Lomé, in Togo. Writing in the International Journal of Education ...

Keeping tabs on massive open online courses

( —Is the Internet causing a revolution in education by enabling large numbers of students to take college courses online, at little or no cost, from faculty members at leading universities?

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