Ultrafast switch for superconductors

(PhysOrg.com) -- A high-temperature superconductor can now be switched on and off within a trillionth of a second – 100 years after the discovery of superconductivity and 25 years after the first high-temperature superconductor ...

Neutron analysis reveals '2 doors down' superconductivity link

Neutron scattering analysis of two families of iron-based materials suggests that the magnetic interactions thought responsible for high-temperature superconductivity may lie "two doors down": The key magnetic exchange pairings ...

Fahrenheit -459: Neutron stars and string theory in a lab

(PhysOrg.com) -- Using lasers to contain some ultra-chilled atoms, a team of scientists has measured the viscosity or stickiness of a gas often considered to be the sixth state of matter. The measurements verify that this ...

Watching electrons move in real time

At its most basic level, understanding chemistry means understanding what electrons are doing. Research published in the Journal of Chemical Physics not only maps the movement of electrons in real time but also observes a ...

Quantum fractals at the border of magnetism

U.S., German and Austrian physicists studying the perplexing class of materials that includes high-temperature superconductors are reporting this week the unexpected discovery of a simple "scaling" behavior in the electronic ...

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