Tracking down nano-size current loops using polarized neutrons

Determining the origin of high-temperature superconductivity is probably the single most important challenge faced today by solid-state physicists. This despite 30 years of extensive research efforts. High temperature superconductors ...

Realization of the building block of a Hund's metal

Understanding the physical mechanism for high temperature superconductors is a key step toward a room temperature superconductor. One characteristic aspect of these materials is the simultaneous presence of charges which ...

Two spin liquids square off in an iron-based superconductor

Despite a quarter-century of research since the discovery of the first high-temperature superconductors, scientists still don't have a clear picture of how these materials are able to conduct electricity with no energy loss. ...

Trapping vortices key to high-current superconductors

If we are to see the promised benefits of high-temperature superconductors, such as low-loss motors and generators or maglev trains, we will need superconductors that can carry very large currents.

A potential Rosetta stone of high temperature superconductivity

High purity single crystals of superconducting material (CeCoIn5) with the highest observed superconducting temperature for a cerium-based material enabled investigation of the relationship among magnetism, superconductivity, ...

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