Red Bull set for marketing history with supersonic jump

Felix Baumgartner, set to leap from the edge of space on Sunday, is no stranger to breaking records. But neither is the firm bankrolling and sponsoring his audacious jump: energy drink maker and marketing trailblazer Red ...

Ocean surface loses resistance during extreme hurricanes

TU Delft researchers have discovered that the ocean surface loses practically all aerodynamic resistance during hurricanes with extremely high wind speeds. This occurs as a result of a very smooth layer lying over the waves: ...

Predicting a die throw

Vegas, Monte Carlo, and Atlantic City draw people from around the world who are willing to throw the dice and take their chances. Researchers from the Technical University of Lodz, Poland, have spotted something predictable ...

Future of major high-speed rail project looks green

( -- California has reason to be optimistic that the state's proposed high-speed rail project, due to begin construction next year,  can prove to be a viable transportation alternative from environmental and ...

How cheetahs outpace greyhounds

Cheetahs are the high-performance sports cars of the animal kingdom, but how do they outstrip other elite athletes when using the same sprint technique? Penny Hudson, Sandra Corr and Alan Wilson from the Royal Veterinary ...

Inventors scoop European awards

Inventors of a new drug for hepatitis B treatment, a tailor-made hearing aid and improved high speed data transfer were awarded a coveted European Patent Office prize here Thursday.

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