The Fred and Ginger of the finch world (w/ Video)

A monogamous African songbird performs a tap dance so fast it is invisible to the human eye, in an elaborate courtship ritual with steps for both partners, scientists said Thursday.

Bats use weighty wings to land upside down

Compared to birds and insects, bats have heavy wings for their body size. Those comparatively cumbersome flappers might seem a detriment to maneuverability, but new research shows that bats' extra wing mass makes possible ...

Designing ice repellent materials

Materials that actively repel water and ice very strongly are sought after by the aviation industry and for many other technical applications. ETH researchers have now found out how to specifically design the rigid surfaces ...

The trillion-frame-per-second camera

When a crystal lattice is excited by a laser pulse, waves of jostling atoms can travel through the material at close to one sixth the speed of light, or approximately 28,000 miles/second. Scientists now have a new tool to ...

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