Watch a real-time map of Starlink satellites orbiting Earth

In an effort to enhance the educational outreach of Starlink constellation, an interactive global map of SpaceX Starlink internet satellites provides live coverage of every satellite in orbit around the Earth.

Vitamin B12: Power broker to the microbes

Constant jostling for precious commodities—money, oil, high-speed Internet access, our morning coffee—shapes the world we live in.

The Ultimate Long Distance Communication

Anyone who's vacationed in the mountains or lived on a farm knows that it's hard to get good internet access or a strong cell phone signal in a remote area. Communicating across great distances has always been a challenge. ...

Google to build ultra high-speed broadband networks

Google announced plans Wednesday to build experimental ultra high-speed broadband networks that would deliver Internet speeds 100 times faster than those of today to up to half a million Americans.

Researchers develop printable lasers

(—A way of printing lasers using everyday inkjet technology has been created by scientists. The development has a wide range of possible applications, ranging from biomedical testing to laser arrays for displays.

New space race to bring satellite internet to the world

Anxiety has set in across the space industry ever since the world's richest man, Jeff Bezos, revealed Project Kuiper: a plan to put 3,236 satellites in orbit to provide high-speed internet across the globe.

Put a cork in the Internet bubble talk -- for now

(AP) -- It's starting to feel like a 1999 flashback. Internet companies - some of them profitable, some not - sense a golden opportunity and are lining up to go public this year.

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