Researchers develop printable lasers

(—A way of printing lasers using everyday inkjet technology has been created by scientists. The development has a wide range of possible applications, ranging from biomedical testing to laser arrays for displays.

France pulls plug on Internet forerunner Minitel

Three decades after it launched, the Minitel -- a made in France forerunner to the Internet that at its height was installed in nine million homes -- will shut down for good on Saturday.

UU experts help with next generation of internet

Researchers at the University of Utah are helping lay the groundwork for a new high-speed Internet upgrade. The White House today announced the launch of US Ignite, an initiative in which the UU is a major participant.

Bharti Airtel offers 4G service in India

India's Bharti Airtel said on Tuesday it had become the first company in the country to offer high-speed Internet services using fourth-generation (4G) telecommunications technology.

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