FCC aims to set some new regulations on broadband (Update)

(AP) -- The head of the Federal Communications Commission thinks he has come up with a way to salvage his ambitious national broadband plans without running into legal obstacles that have threatened to derail him.

Providing Access to the Web is Not Enough

(PhysOrg.com) -- Even among college freshmen and digital natives -- those young adults who grew up with the Internet -- higher-level Internet skills and more sophisticated Internet usage still strongly correspond to socioeconomic ...

Competition missing from broadband plan, some say

(AP) -- The sweeping national broadband plan that federal regulators delivered to Congress last week doesn't go far enough to satisfy some experts who warn that the United States would still trail other industrialized nations ...

FCC to propose revamping Universal Service Fund (Update)

(AP) -- Federal regulators trying to bring high-speed Internet connections to all Americans will propose tapping the government program that now subsidizes telephone service in poor and rural areas.

FCC survey shows need to teach broadband basics

(AP) -- The government's plan to provide fast Internet connections to all Americans will have to include some basic instruction in Web 101, according to a new survey of Internet users and non-users.

Google to build ultra high-speed broadband networks

Google announced plans Wednesday to build experimental ultra high-speed broadband networks that would deliver Internet speeds 100 times faster than those of today to up to half a million Americans.

USDA awarding $310 million for broadband projects

(AP) -- The Agriculture Department is handing out nearly $310 million in stimulus money to bring high-speed Internet connections to 14 rural communities around the country.

Comcast, FCC take net neutrality dispute to court

(AP) -- The Federal Communications Commission staked out new ground nearly three months ago when it began drafting rules that would require Internet providers to give equal treatment to all data flowing over their networks.

FCC seeks extension for national broadband plan

(AP) -- The chairman of the Federal Communications Commission is asking for a one-month extension on the national broadband plan the agency is required to submit to Congress.

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