Quenching one's thirst for knowledge by studying beer foam

For his master's thesis, Pierre-François Conzelmann, mechanical engineering student, wanted to understand the reason behind the formation of a "foam volcano" after tapping the neck of a bottle of beer. He studied the phenomenon ...

Japanese universities develop new world's fastest camera

(Phys.org) —Researchers working at two universities in Japan have jointly developed what is being described as the world's fastest camera. A photo-device with a frame interval of 4.4 trillion frames per second. In their ...

Big sperm don't always win the race

When females mate with more than one male, each one's sperm has to compete to get to her eggs. Until now, researchers had thought the fastest sperm would dominate.

A robot to beat humans at foosball

At first glance, the foosball table located in the middle of the Automatic Control Laboratory looks perfectly normal. Looks can be deceiving. In defense, one of the levers has a mechanical arm capable of propelling the ball ...

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