Students capture the flight of birds on very high-speed video

Stanford mechanical engineering professor David Lentink and his students capture slow-motion video from the fastest wings in the bird world, with an eye toward building flying robots that take design cues from Mother Nature.

Why do guppies jump? The answer is evolutionary (w/ video)

( —If you've owned a pet guppy, you know they often jump out of their tanks. Many a child has asked why the guppy jumped; many a parent has been stumped for an answer. Now a study by University of Maryland biologist ...

FIFA pick GoalControl for Confederations Cup

Football's world governing body on Tuesday said that German company GoalControl will provide the goal-line technology at this year's Confederations Cup in Brazil.

Predicting a die throw

Vegas, Monte Carlo, and Atlantic City draw people from around the world who are willing to throw the dice and take their chances. Researchers from the Technical University of Lodz, Poland, have spotted something predictable ...

Sliding metals show fluidlike behavior, new clues to wear

(—Researchers have discovered a swirling fluidlike behavior in a solid piece of metal sliding over another, providing new insights into the mechanisms of wear and generation of machined surfaces that could help ...

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