Designing a cost-effective X-ray free electron lasers facility

Many advances in structural science since the 1970s were made by probing materials with synchrotron radiation: that is, high energy X-rays generated through accelerating high-energy electrons. The latest generation of such ...

Super strong magnetic fields leave imprint on nuclear matter

A new analysis by the STAR collaboration at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC), a particle collider at the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory, provides the first direct evidence of the ...

How NASA chases and investigates bright cosmic blips

Stephen Lesage's phone started vibrating just after halftime on Oct. 9, 2022, while he was watching a soccer game in Atlanta with a friend. When Lesage saw the incoming messages, the match no longer seemed important. There ...

Telescope Array detects second-highest-energy cosmic ray ever

In 1991, the University of Utah Fly's Eye experiment detected the highest-energy cosmic ray ever observed. Later dubbed the Oh-My-God particle, the cosmic ray's energy shocked astrophysicists. Nothing in our galaxy had the ...

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