Insects modify mating behavior in anticipation of storms

Insects modify calling and courting mating behavior in response to changes in air pressure, according to results published October 2 in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by Ana Cristina Pellegrino and José Maurício Bento, ...

At least 11 dead as storms sweep through US south

Severe storms sweeping the southern US killed at least 11 people, authorities said, as tornadoes and high winds upturned cars, destroyed homes and left tens of thousands without power.

More accurate wind energy forecasts

Wind power is one of the most important forms of renewable energy. In order to exploit inland wind as effectively as possible, turbines must be optimally positioned and dimensioned. A 200-meter high wind measuring mast delivers ...

Hurried evacuations as wildfires rage in California

Californian firefighters on Friday battled a fast-moving wildfire north of Los Angeles as further evacuation orders were issued after 40,000 residents were already told to flee their homes.

Gulf of Mexico's 'dead zone' much smaller this year

Tropical weather stirred up the Gulf of Mexico, reducing this year's dead zone off Louisiana's coast to the third-smallest ever measured, the scientist who has measured it since 1985 said Tuesday.

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