Hawaii bracing for first hurricane in 22 years

Hurricane Iselle's outer edges brought rain and wind to Hawaii on Thursday as it was poised to become the first hurricane or tropical storm to hit the island chain in 22 years. Another hurricane closely followed.

Morphable surfaces could cut air resistance

There is a story about how the modern golf ball, with its dimpled surface, came to be: In the mid-1800s, it is said, new golf balls were smooth, but became dimpled over time as impacts left permanent dents. Smooth new balls ...

Dolphin pod dies trapped in ice off Canadian coast

Some 30 white-beaked dolphins have died after being trapped in ice off the coast of Canada's easternmost Newfoundland province, and three remaining alive are not faring well, officials said Monday.

Helping hawks weather the storm

A team of researchers at a University of Alberta institute is helping endangered prairie hawks weather the storm of climate change.

Insects modify mating behavior in anticipation of storms

Insects modify calling and courting mating behavior in response to changes in air pressure, according to results published October 2 in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by Ana Cristina Pellegrino and José Maurício Bento, ...

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