Flooding drowns St Mark's priceless mosaics in sewage

Dirty water swirls around marble tombs inside the 12th century crypt of St Mark's Basilica in Venice, which suffered untold damage when an unprecedented high tide swept through the city.

Investigation: Lead in some Canadian water worse than Flint

Hundreds of thousands of Canadians have been unwittingly exposed to high levels of lead in their drinking water, with contamination in several cities consistently higher than they ever were in Flint, Michigan, according to ...

Tides don't always flush water out to sea, study shows

By area, tidal flats make up more than 50 percent of Willapa Bay in southwest Washington state, making this more than 142-square-mile estuary an ideal location for oyster farming. On some parts of these flats, oysters grow ...

Dorian's floodwaters trap people in attics in North Carolina

A weakened Hurricane Dorian flooded homes on North Carolina's Outer Banks on Friday with a ferocity that took even storm-hardened residents by surprise, forcing people to retreat to their attics. Hundreds were feared trapped ...

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