Ultrasound can save fish in hydropower rivers

The phenomenon of gas supersaturation occurs when air enters water-filled hydropower inlets and is then exposed to high pressure. When this water is subsequently released into the river below the hydropower plant, it's almost ...

Breathing new life into dye-sensitized solar cells

Researchers at the Institute for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences at Kyoto University have made a popular type of dye-sensitized solar cell more efficient by adjusting and updating its structure. Published in the Journal ...

A mechanistic and probabilistic method for predicting wildfires

Spanning long distances across variable terrains, electric power systems can spark wildfires in the event of dry weather and high winds. This may occur when conductor cables oscillate in such a way to become close to the ...

Nature-inspired antibacterial metals

From aviation to medicine, various sectors are increasingly using materials that mimic the lotus plant, whose leaves have self-cleaning properties. Thanks to the bumpy surface structure covered with tube-shaped wax crystals, ...

NIST launches new calibration service for high-power lasers

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has launched a new calibration service for high-power lasers of the sort used by manufacturers for applications such as cutting and welding metals, as well as by the ...

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