Climate simulations redefine causes of North American monsoon

On average, western Mexico and the American Southwest receive half their rainfall for the year between July and September. The deluge is due to the weather pattern known as a monsoon—but according to a new paper by University ...

Seawater seep may be speeding glacier melt, sea level rise

The melting of ice sheets at the points where they float on and along the world's oceans is a major climate culprit when it comes to sea level rise. But less is understood about the extent of melting that is due to warm, ...

Engineers may learn from bees for optimal honeycomb designs

Perfect hexagonal structures inspired by honeycombs in bee nests are widely used to build everything from airplane wings, boats, and cars, to skis, snowboards, packaging and acoustic dampening materials.

Machine learning accelerates cosmological simulations

A universe evolves over billions upon billions of years, but researchers have developed a way to create a complex simulated universe in less than a day. The technique, published in this week's Proceedings of the National ...

Streamlining the process of materials discovery

Developing new materials and novel processes has continued to change the world. The M3I3 Initiative at KAIST has led to new insights into advancing materials development by implementing breakthroughs in materials imaging ...

Supercomputers drive ion transport research

For a long time, nothing. Then all of a sudden, something. Wonderful things in nature can burst on the scene after long periods of dullness—rare events such as protein folding, chemical reactions, or even the seeding of ...

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