Comparing canine brains using 3-D-endocast modelling

Based on digital endocranial cast models, the canine brain does not increase proportionally with body size. Researchers at ELTE Eötvös Loránd and Kaposvár University in Hungary reconstructed the surface morphology of ...

Indian capital launches campaign to curb toxic air pollution

Authorities in New Delhi launched an anti-pollution campaign on Monday in an attempt to curb air pollution levels ahead of winter, when the capital is regularly covered in toxic haze, and warned that filthy air could make ...

Terraced graphene for ultrasensitive magnetic field sensor

National University of Singapore physicists have developed a sensitive two-dimensional (2-D) magnetic field sensor, which can potentially improve the detection of nanoscale magnetic domains for data storage applications.

Swedish workers among Europe's best-paid in late 1800s

In 19th-century Sweden, workers' wages rose faster than in other European countries. By 1900, they were among the highest in Europe, and the steepest rise of all had been for those who earned least. This is shown by new research ...

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