Researcher focuses on quantifying isotopes for national security

Nuclear materials can produce vast amounts of energy. This unique attribute can be harnessed through reactors to provide a reliable, low-carbon electricity source. It can also be used to make weapons. ORNL's Nuclear Nonproliferation ...

Discovery puts a magnetic spin on neuromorphic computing

The word "fractals" might inspire images of psychedelic colors spiraling into infinity in a computer animation. An invisible, but powerful and useful, version of this phenomenon exists in the realm of dynamic magnetic fractal ...

The building blocks for exploring new exotic states of matter

Topological insulators act as electrical insulators on the inside but conduct electricity along their surfaces. Researchers study some of these insulators' exotic behavior using an external magnetic field to force the ion ...

Scientists take control of magnetism at the microscopic level

Atoms in magnetic materials are organized into regions called magnetic domains. Within each domain, the electrons have the same magnetic orientation. This means their spins point in the same direction. "Walls" separate the ...

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