When superconductivity material science meets nuclear physics

Imagine a wire with a thickness roughly one-hundred thousand times smaller than a human hair and only visible with the world's most powerful microscopes. They can come in many varieties, including semiconductors, insulators ...

Double X-ray vision helps tuberculosis and osteoporosis research

With an advanced X-ray combination technique, scientists have traced nanocarriers for tuberculosis drugs within cells with very high precision. The method combines two sophisticated scanning X-ray measurements and can locate ...

Niobium used as catalyst in fuel cell

Brazil is the world's largest producer of niobium and holds about 98 percent of the active reserves on the planet. This chemical element is used in metal alloys, especially high-strength steel, and in an almost unlimited ...

3-D-printed plastics with high performance electrical circuits

Rutgers engineers have embedded high performance electrical circuits inside 3-D-printed plastics, which could lead to smaller and versatile drones and better-performing small satellites, biomedical implants and smart structures.

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