Turing membrane to improve performance of zinc-based batteries

Zinc-based batteries are promising options for energy storage devices owing to their low cost and high energy density. However, they have serious dendrite issues, especially at high areal capacities and current densities.

When vibrations increase on cooling: Anti-freezing observed

An international team has observed an amazing phenomenon in a nickel oxide material during cooling: Instead of freezing, certain fluctuations actually increase as the temperature drops. Nickel oxide is a model system that ...

New exotic matter particle, a tetraquark, discovered

Today, the LHCb experiment at CERN is presenting a new discovery at the European Physical Society Conference on High Energy Physics (EPS-HEP). The new particle discovered by LHCb, labeled as Tcc+, is a tetraquark—an exotic ...

Astronomers detect ultra-high energy gamma-ray source

Astronomers from the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and elsewhere report the detection of a new ultra-high energy (UHE) gamma-ray source in the Galactic plane. The newly identified source, designated LHAASO J0341+5258, ...

Igniting plasmas in liquids

Physicists of Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB) have taken spectacular pictures that allow the ignition process of plasma under water to be viewed and tracked in real time. Dr. Katharina Grosse has provided the first data sets ...

New ultra-high energy gamma-ray source detected

Using the Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory (LHAASO), astronomers have performed a search for new high-energy gamma-ray sources. As a result, they have identified a new ultra-high energy gamma-ray source, which received ...

Cheap alloy rivals expensive platinum to boost fuel cells

As the cleanest renewable energy, hydrogen energy has attracted special attention in recent research. Yet the commercialization of traditional proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs), which consume hydrogen and produce ...

Physicists uncover secrets of world's thinnest superconductor

Physicists from across three continents report the first experimental evidence to explain the unusual electronic behavior behind the world's thinnest superconductor, a material with myriad applications because it conducts ...

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