Small-scale magnetism leads to large-scale solar atmosphere

Thanks to close-up images of the sun obtained during Solar Orbiter's perihelion passage of October 2022, solar physicists have seen how fleeting magnetic fields at the solar surface build up into the solar atmosphere.

New research facility houses largest plasma wind tunnel in the US

In hypersonic flight, an aircraft or spacecraft moves at least five times faster than the speed of sound—producing extreme heat that can push the craft beyond its physical limits. The difficulty and importance of protecting ...

LHCf continues to investigate cosmic rays

LHCf has completed its first data-taking period during LHC Run 3, taking advantage of the record 13.6 TeV collision energy. This coincides with the machine's record fill time of 57 hours.

Readying spacecraft to surf Venus' atmosphere

ESA's EnVision mission to Venus will perform optical, spectral and radar mapping of Earth's sister planet. But before getting down to work the van-sized spacecraft needs to "aerobrake"—lowering its orbit with thousands ...

Predicting equatorial plasma bubbles with SWARM

Changes in atmospheric density after sunset can cause hot pockets of gas called "plasma bubbles" to form over the Earth's equator, resulting in communication disruptions between satellites and the Earth. New AI models are ...

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