Super-tiger backgrounder: The case of the cosmic rays

(—Grade-school science teachers sometimes hand out "mystery boxes" containing ramps, barriers and a loose marble. By rotating the boxes and feeling the marble hang up or drop, the students try to deduce what's ...

Low-frequency radio emissions from high-altitude sprite discharge

When lightning strikes from a towering cumulonimbus cloud down to the ground, the electrical discharge can perturb the atmosphere's electric field, potentially triggering a second event-sprite discharge. This more elusive ...

Dust-plumes power intercontinental microbial migrations

Along with pollutants from Asia, transpacific dust plumes deliver vast quantities of microbes to North America, according to a manuscript published online ahead of print in the journal Applied and Environmental Microbiology.

High-flying geese take low profile over Himalayas

(—Bar-headed geese are star fliers of the bird world. As well as being striking looking creatures, they have become famous for making incredible annual migrations over the world's highest mountain peaks, the Himalayas. ...

Austrian eyes record jump from edge of space in US

An Austrian daredevil is hoping to make an unprecedented leap from the edge of space Tuesday, setting records as he breaks the speed of sound in freefall in the skies above the US state of New Mexico.

45,000 feet: Future UAVs may fuel up in flight

Currently global military aviation relies on a key enabler – aerial refueling. Fighters, bombers, reconnaissance and transport aircraft use "flying gas stations" to go the extra mile. Increasingly, UAVs are conducting combat ...

Genetic diversity: The hidden face of biodiversity

Will future conservation policies have to take account of the genetic diversity within each species ? A large-scale study into plants found at high altitude throughout the Alps and the Carpathians, has enabled an international ...

High-flying NASA aircraft helps develop new science instruments

Over the next few weeks, an ER-2 high altitude research aircraft operating out of NASA's Wallops Flight Facility in Wallops Island, Va., will take part in the development of two future satellite instruments. The aircraft ...

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