Related topics: large hadron collider

'God particle' discovery poses Nobel dilemma

On July 4, scientists announced they had discovered a new particle that may be the fabled Higgs boson, an exploit that would rank as the greatest achievement in physics in more than half a century.

Mystery of dark matter may be near to being deciphered

(—The universe is comprised of a large amount of invisible matter, dark matter. It fills the space between the galaxies and between the stars in the galaxies. Since the prediction of the existence of dark matter ...

Quark matter's connection with the Higgs

(—You may think you've heard everything you need to know about the origin of mass. After all, scientists colliding protons at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in Europe recently presented stunning evidence strongly ...

Higgs boson provides a musical spin

A decades-long quest for the elusive Higgs boson has sparked a creative rush in music, with compositions ranging from a-capella and rap to a hypnotic symphony.

Physics group looks ahead past LHC to LEP3

( -- A group of physicists is looking beyond the usefulness of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) to a new collider that would sit in the tunnel still occupied by the LHC, to an updated version of what was there before, ...

Theoretical physicists probe the Majorana mystery

( -- With headlines proclaiming the discovery of the Higgs boson particle physics has captured the imagination of the world, particularly among those who dwell on the nature of the cosmos. But this is only one puzzle ...

New vigour in quest for Higgs boson

Heartened by a glimpse of what may be the Higgs boson, scientists at the CERN physics lab are smashing particles with new vigour in a quest to understand why matter has mass and other riddles of the natural universe.

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