Related topics: tumor

Study sheds light on Earth's early mantle

( —An international team of researchers, led by scientists at Boston University's Department of Earth and Environment, has found evidence that material contained in young oceanic lava flows originated at the Earth's ...

Doctoral student designs microphones that monitor road traffic

An EPFL doctoral student has designed a microphone-based system that functions as an automatic road traffic sensor. The technology can determine not just how much traffic there is, but also how fast vehicles are going and ...

Hot electrons do the impossible in catalytic chemistry

(—From petroleum refining to food processing, the vast majority of commercial chemical applications involve catalysts to control the rate of chemical reactions. Anything that can increase the efficiency of catalysts ...

A thin-skinned catalyst for chemical reactions

A chemical nanostructure developed by Boston College researchers behaves much like the pores of the skin, serving as a precise control for a typically stubborn method of catalysis that is the workhorse of industrial chemistry.

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