Wind 'fights' Leeuwin to provide nutrient rich waters

Researchers investigating the Ningaloo Reef's circulation patterns have discovered that periodic, local wind-driven currents are still strong enough to generate upwelling, providing important nutrients from the seabed to ...

Polluting Siberian paper mill shuts down

The polluting paper mill on the shores of Russia's Lake Baikal, the world's deepest freshwater lake, has shut and will be firing almost 800 workers this week, employees and management said on Monday.

French court rejects planned wind farm near Mont Saint Michel

A French court has ruled against a decision to set up a wind farm off the picturesque northern abbey island of Mont Saint Michel which could threaten the site's UNESCO World Heritage status, a lawyer said Thursday.

UN: Syria's ancient history faces new threats

Looted artifacts turning up on the black market, plundered archaeological sites and the collapse of the minaret of an 11th century mosque that was the ancient heart of Aleppo's walled Old City.

Poachers kill rare rhinos in India as drones halted

An armed gang has killed two rare rhinoceros at a wildlife park in northeast India, as officials said Thursday drones deployed to stem the rising number of killings have been halted.

Gulls feasting on whales in Argentine waters

It's a weird, lopsided fight if ever there was one: seagulls divebombing to attack and feed on the fat of 50-ton whales and their babies. And the birds are winning.

Climbers flock to Mt. Fuji as season begins

Hordes of trekkers flocked to Mount Fuji Monday at the start of a two-month climbing season, after it was declared a UNESCO World Heritage site in recognition of its status as a symbol of Japan.

UNESCO warns Syrian heritage sites endangered

UNESCO on Thursday added six ancient sites in Syria including a fortress of Saladin and a Crusader castle to the endangered World Heritage list, warning that more than two years of civil war had inflicted heavy damage.

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