France opens new Lascaux prehistoric art cave replica

A new replica of the stunning Lascaux cave paintings was unveiled Saturday in the Dordogne region of southwest France, more than seven decades after the prehistoric art was first discovered.

Afghan cave dwellers brace against a shifting landscape

Marzia and her husband Qadeer thought themselves lucky when they moved into a 1,700-year-old Buddhist cave hand-carved into the side of a mountain in Afghanistan's central highlands—it was clean and dry, warm in the winter, ...

Taj Mahal study examines particulate problems in Agra

International collaboration compares the impact of dung cake burning versus the burning of municipal solid waste on browning of world heritage monument and on the health of people living nearby.

Madagascar hillsides stripped bare as locals seek land

"Last time, I burnt a section about that big," says Mihareta Laivoa, pointing to a parcel of land about the size of a football field, as the farmer admitted to having destroyed forest to make way for his crops.

Paris bans cars along part of River Seine

Strollers and cyclists can breathe easy on the banks of the Seine after Paris on Monday approved a plan to ban cars on a long stretch of riverside road cutting across the city.

Spain's Donana wetlands going dry, WWF warns

It's one of Europe's most important wetland reserves, a World Heritage site full of lagoons, woodlands, pristine beaches and dunes, home to more than 4,000 species including the endangered Iberian lynx.

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