Mongolian mining boom threatens traditional herding

Exploring the vastness of Gobi Desert in the 13th century, Marco Polo proclaimed it to be filled with "extraordinary illusions." Today, Oyu Tolgoi, one of the world's largest copper-gold mines, rises among Mongolia's traditional ...

Germany relaxes rules on wolf culls

The German government on Wednesday relaxed rules on culling wolves, as the population of the predator has grown since its return to the country two decades ago.

Judge: US must reconsider Yellowstone bison protections

A federal judge has ordered U.S. wildlife officials to reconsider a 2015 decision that blocked special protections for the iconic bison herds that roam Yellowstone National Park and are routinely subjected to hunting and ...

Norway to kill 2,000 reindeer to eradicate disease

The Norwegian government on Monday authorised the slaughter of a herd of around 2,000 reindeer in a bid to eradicate a brain-destroying disease, after several cases were detected in Norway for the first time in Europe.

Environmentalists protest hunting bison plan in Poland

Environmentalists are protesting Poland's plan to allow hunters to shoot bison, while authorities say it is necessary for the well-being of the oversized herd and will earn money for its upkeep.

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