Herbicide runoff reduced to Great Barrier Reef

(Phys.org) —An innovative new approach to sugarcane plantation weed management trialled in select Great Barrier Reef (GBR) catchments has shown a 90 per cent reduction in runoff of highly soluble herbicides into waterways.

Source of GMO wheat in Oregon remains mystery (Update)

Oregon farmers are moving ahead with plans to start planting their next crop as questions remain about the source of a patch of genetically modified wheat in a farmer's field last spring that threatened trade between the ...

Monsanto suggests sabotage in modified wheat case

Monsanto Co. is floating the theory that some of the company's detractors may have intentionally planted genetically modified wheat discovered in an Oregon field last month.

World Food Prize goes to 3 biotech scientists

This year's World Food Prize is going to a Belgian scientist and two researchers in the United States for their innovations that brought the world genetically modified crops.

Penetrating the quantum nature of magnetism

Antiferromagnets are materials that lose their apparent magnetic properties when cooled down close to absolute zero temperature. Different to conventional magnets, which can be described with classical physics even at the ...

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