The herbicide dicamba is making farming more difficult

In October 2021 I was a guest on a popular podcast to discuss my recently published book, "Seed Money: Monsanto's Past and Our Food Future," which examines the agribusiness giant's influence on the global food system. After ...

Mitigating the environmental impact of herbicides

In recent years, soybean fields and other crops and trees across the Midwest have been experiencing more damage from drift of herbicides, particularly those plants grown from seeds that have not been genetically modified ...

First dicamba-resistant waterhemp produced

University of Illinois weed scientists have confirmed resistance to the herbicide dicamba in a Champaign County waterhemp population. In the study, dicamba controlled 65% of the waterhemp in the field when applied at the ...

Waterhemp goes off script to resist herbicides

Cementing waterhemp's reputation as a hard-to-kill weed in corn and soybean production systems, University of Illinois researchers have now documented the weed deviating from standard detoxification strategies to resist an ...

Herbicide resistance no longer a black box for scientists

When agricultural weeds evolve resistance to herbicides, they do it in one of two ways. In target-site resistance, a tiny mutation in the plant's genetic code means the chemical no longer fits in the protein it's designed ...

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