Simple math, antimatter, and the birth of the Universe

If x2 = 4, then what is x? Did you just think "2"? Is that correct? Well, yes and no. The fact that there is a parallel but equally valid answer that x is negative 2 has been a difficult and intriguing conundrum to everyone ...

Image: Into the depths of the electromagnetic spectrum

It can be difficult in our everyday lives to appreciate the extraordinary range of wavelengths in the electromagnetic spectrum. Electromagnetic radiation—from radio waves to visible light to x-rays—travels through space ...

Infographic: Rhic cooks up a quantum tempest in a teacup

When particles collide inside Brookhaven Lab's Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC), they melt at trillion-degree temperatures and form a friction-free "perfect" liquid. This quark-gluon plasma, composed of the liberated ...

High-energy particle collisions reveal the unexpected

The nucleus of an atom is composed of protons and neutrons, which are themselves made up of elementary particles called quarks and gluons. Observing these elementary particles is difficult and typically involves smashing ...

The heaviest known antimatter

When an international team of scientists working at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) announced the discovery of the most massive antinucleus to date — and the first containing an anti-strange quark — it ...

Shining light on the inner details and breakup of deuterons

Scientists have found a way to "see" inside deuterons, the simplest atomic nuclei, to better understand the "glue" that holds the building blocks of matter together. The new results come from collisions of photons (particles ...

A colorful look at fast-flying particles

The strong nuclear force is one of the four fundamental forces of nature, along with the electromagnetic, gravitational and weak nuclear forces. The branch of particle physics that deals with the strong nuclear force is called ...

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