Small, short-lived drops of early universe matter

What was matter like moments after the Big Bang? Particles emerging from the lowest energy collisions of small particles with large heavy nuclei at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) could hold the answer. Scientists ...

Rice physicist will search for 'quark-gluon plasma' at the LHC

Rice University physicist Wei Li is searching for the smallest and hottest drop of soup in the universe, and thanks to a coveted Early Career Award from the Department of Energy (DOE), he'll have a chance to look for it beneath ...

Shining light on the inner details and breakup of deuterons

Scientists have found a way to "see" inside deuterons, the simplest atomic nuclei, to better understand the "glue" that holds the building blocks of matter together. The new results come from collisions of photons (particles ...

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