Related topics: climate change

The role of vegetation in reducing thermal stress in urban areas

Scientists at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) conducted a multi-year empirical study to assess the impact of trees on city temperatures. Taking the city of Würzburg as an example, the researchers showed that vegetation ...

Ocean life may adapt to climate change, but with hidden costs

Suppose that we could watch twenty generations of whales or sharks adapting to climate change—measuring how they evolve and how their biology changes as temperatures and carbon dioxide levels rise. That could tell us a ...

Great Barrier Reef suffers 'widespread' bleaching event

The Great Barrier Reef has again been hit with "widespread" bleaching, authorities said Friday, as higher-than-average ocean temperatures off Australia's northeast threaten the already struggling World Heritage site.

Researchers discover when pollen comes of age

New research from the University of Georgia has determined when pollen comes of age and begins expressing its own genome, a major life cycle transition in plants.

Independent stress response makes octocorals more robust

Coral reefs are among the most species-rich ecosystems on the planet. Octocorals, which include soft corals, gorgonians, and sea pens, are important members of these marine communities. They could even outcompete reef-building ...

Protein linked to oxidative stress and related diseases

Scientists at Monash University's Biomedicine Discovery Institute (BDI) have discovered a new role for a known protein in oxidative stress, which is linked to diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, diabetes, cardiovascular ...

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