Would you like greens with that?

What if the greens you need for tonight's dinner were grown on the roof of the office where you work? From a cook's perspective this is a dream – fresh produce and no time wasted on shopping. And the advantages of urban ...

Map-based data on the energy consumption of residential buildings

In Finland, everyday residential life accounts for more than 30 per cent of the greenhouse gas emissions from private consumption. Within the Academy of Finland's Research Programme on Climate Change (FICCA), a model has ...

Air conditioning control goes wireless

Scientists devised a new wireless and energy autonomous sensor network using in collective buildings to monitor heating, ventilation and air conditioning and reduce energy consumption

Climate change linked to declines in labour productivity

Increases in humidity caused as a result of climate change are reducing labour productivity and it's only likely to get worse over time, argue researchers from America's National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Supermarkets: Energy-optimized

Running a supermarket requires a lot of electricity. Long rows of refrigerators have to be kept cool and large areas have to be lit. A new concept enables supermarket operators to cut their energy use by around 25 percent.

New rice research sows seeds for growing success

(PhysOrg.com) -- With rice production in Australia plummeting and extreme weather events becoming more frequent, researchers at Macquarie University are working towards developing simple tests that could help growers better ...

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