How to embrace urban living, but avoid an apocalypse

Cities – we are repeatedly told – are the future. Governments and global corporations seek to increase productivity by accelerating urban growth, while more and more citizens migrate to cities, in search of a better life. ...

Cities throw shade at rising heat

Rudy Lane is a two-lane road that curves through the leafy suburb of Windy Hills east of Louisville, Ky. Broadway is a main drag downtown where the federal and state courthouses bump up against the 1920s-era Brown Hotel.

Innovations in building intelligent cities

Cities. They sprawl and tangle, juxtaposing ancient public squares and glistening skyscrapers. They provide homes for half of humanity, and economic and cultural centers for the rest.

How do you cool a city in a warming world?

Globally, 2016 was the warmest year on record. In Los Angeles, temperature records were shattered last summer during scorching heat waves that saw highs of 100 degrees for five days straight.

When the heat is on, we need city-wide plans to keep cool

The recent spate of heatwaves through eastern Australia has reminded us we're in an Australian summer. On top of another record hot year globally, and as heatwaves become more frequent and intense, our cities are making ...

"Urban cold islands" driving plant evolution in cities

A tiny plant is providing big clues about how human development is driving the evolution of living organisms. New research from the University of Toronto Mississauga reveals the first evidence that common white clover changes ...

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