Heatwave death threat soars for elderly, city dwellers

More than 150 million vulnerable people worldwide were exposed to potentially life-threatening heatwaves last year, scientists said Thursday, warning that climate change posed an unprecedented global health risk.

Ancient pigment can boost energy efficiency

A color developed by Egyptians thousands of years ago has a modern-day application as well – the pigment can boost energy efficiency by cooling rooftops and walls, and could also enable solar generation of electricity via ...

Escape from the heat island

Dangerously high temperatures, especially in cities, often cause conditions such as heat stroke and heat exhaustion or exacerbate preexisting medical conditions such as cardiovascular disease. Between 1999 and 2010, at least ...

Higher plasma densities, more efficient tokamaks

When the density of the hot, ionized gas (known as a plasma) in a tokamak exceeds a certain limit, it usually leads to a rapid loss of heat and plasma currents. The currents are required to confine the plasma. Such events ...

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