Beijing's growing urban area spells rain change for region

More cars, factories, heat, and pollution—these are some of the consequences of urbanization. Atmospheric researchers at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory found that the impact of urbanization around Beijing, China, ...

Cool roofs in China offer enhanced benefits during heat waves

It is well established that white roofs can help mitigate the urban heat island effect, reflecting the sun's energy back into space and reducing a city's temperature under normal weather conditions. In a new study of Guangzhou, ...

Bright facades and trees against heat and smog

Cities represent "heat islands" within their surroundings, which are characterized by many heat sources and small air flows. In southern Europe, bright buildings produce relief and provide for a cooler urban climate. Simulation ...

Hidden benefits of electric vehicles revealed

Electric vehicles are cool, research shows. Literally. A study in this week's Scientific Reports by researchers at Michigan State University (MSU) and in China add more fuel to the already hot debate about whether electric ...

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