Researchers are finding ways to turn down the heat in cities

Rooftop gardens and greenery can help ease some of the severe heat in cities, according to research from climate scientists at NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) in New York. For several decades, researchers ...

Mini electricity generator made from quantum dots

Machines and electronic devices often generate waste heat that is difficult to utilize. If electricity could be generated from this waste heat, it would offer a means for a clean and sustainable power production: Such a technology ...

How monitoring a quantum Otto engine affects its performance

Heat engines are devices that use waste heat to perform mechanical work and generate power. The invention of heat engines ushered in an era of the industrial revolution 250 years ago. The Otto engine, which uses distinct ...

An experimental loop for simulating nuclear reactors in space

Nuclear thermal propulsion, which uses heat from nuclear reactions as fuel, could be used one day in human spaceflight, possibly even for missions to Mars. Its development, however, poses a challenge. The materials used must ...

Better planning can reduce the urban heat island effect

In his Ph.D. thesis, EPFL researcher Martí Bosch proposes a method for spatially quantifying the impact of mitigation measures—planting green spaces and using different building materials—on the urban heat island effect.

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