A step toward understanding how hibernation protects hearts

Wintry weather means hats and scarves for some mammals, and hibernation for others. Hibernation dramatically lowers body temperatures, heart rates and oxygen consumption—things that would be fatal to other animals. A team ...

When a 'UFO' flies by, does it bother bears?

If an unidentified flying object suddenly appeared in the sky, it's likely your heart would beat faster. Now, researchers reporting in the Cell Press journal Current Biology on August 13 have found that the same is true for ...

Why don't men live as long as women?

Across the entire world, women can expect to live longer than men. But why does this occur, and was this always the case?

Baby seals that practice in pools make better divers

Being able to dive is what matters most for seal pups, but how do they learn to do it? Grey seal pups that can play in pools may have better diving skills once they make the move to the sea, and this could increase their ...

Is city biking hazardous to your health?

People used to say that exercising in New York City was like smoking a pack of cigarettes. Luckily, conditions have vastly improved, according to a recent NYC Health Department report, but some areas of the city continue ...

Dark tattoos daunt Apple Watch

Apple aficionados who are also fans of body art are finding out that dark tattoos can daunt the iconic company's hot new smartwatch.

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