Hope for dogs with most common cardiorespiratory disease

Open-heart surgery to address the most common cardiorespiratory disease in dogs has been performed for the first time in Australia, at the University of Sydney's Veterinary Teaching Hospital. 

Hydraulic forces help to fill the heart

Researchers at Karolinska Institutet and KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden have contributed to a recent discovery that the heart is filled with the aid of hydraulic forces, the same as those involved in hydraulic ...

'Toxic gases' as targets for new medicines

Gases once thought of only as environmental pollutants are now known to be produced by the body. They could potentially be used to develop drugs to treat diseases including heart failure and cancer.

'Electronic nose' detects disease in expiratory air

According to the World Health Organization, one of the main causes of mortality is cardiovascular disease. Early detection of symptoms is critical for medical intervention. However, traditional methods of examination (X-ray, ...

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