Smart bracelet uses RFID to bleep dirty hands

( —Hospital-skittish people are convinced they will leave the hospital far sicker than when they came in. While assured they are working on groundless fear, recent hospital-borne infections make them all the more ...

Bringing power to the people -- and heat as well

In some isolated clinics in parts of Africa, the electricity needed to power lights and medical devices is generated by expensive imported diesel fuel; the water supply can be so cold in winter that health workers can’t ...

Toyota shows machines to help sick, elderly move

Toyota unveiled its ambitions for high-tech health care Tuesday, displaying experimental robots that the auto giant says can lift disabled patients from their hospital beds or help them walk.

Disasters unfold 'intelligently' on phone screens

( -- For the first time, a computer scientist has developed a method of making smart phones able to show a disaster unfolding in real-time on phone screens.

Cooler states now forced to grapple with extreme heat

As temperatures soared into the 90s, the heat and humidity hit the concrete in Astoria, Queens, and bounced into the air. People moved along the scorched sidewalk slowly, their clothes drenched with sweat.

Poll finds younger workers feel stressed, lonely and undervalued

Younger workers are struggling with feelings of loneliness and a lack of appreciation at work and tend to feel more comfortable working with people their own age, according to a survey by the American Psychological Association.

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