Singapore pollution reaches hazardous levels

This week Singapore's pollution standards index (PSI) reached 400, breaking all previous records and prompting government health warnings. A PSI reading above 200 indicates "very unhealthy" air, while a PSI score above 300 ...

Japan, China, S. Korea to cooperate on air pollution

Japan, China and South Korea agreed Monday to continue cooperating in the fight against cross-border air pollution, despite strained relations between the neighbours because of territorial disputes.

WEF: Economic, climate crises raise global risks

With rising economic strains on one side and ever more environmental concerns on the other, the world could soon find itself in "the perfect global storm", the World Economic Forum warned in a report on Tuesday.

Hong Kong to tighten power plant emission limits

Hong Kong on Friday announced new targets in its bid to cut emissions from power plants, part of an ongoing effort to tackle air pollution in the Chinese city that is regularly covered in smog.

15 new conservation concerns

A review carried out by a group of international specialists has identified several emerging issues that are likely to damage biodiversity in the coming years.

Japan high-tech toilet makers flush with success

In Japan, the global leader in high-tech toilet design, the latest restroom marvel should come with a health warning for hypochondriacs -- it doubles as a medical lab that can really spoil your day.

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