Which particulate air pollution poses the greatest health risk?

Researchers at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), together with colleagues from several other European institutions, have investigated whether particulate matter from certain sources can be especially harmful to human health. ...

Urban trees found to improve mental and general health

People in urban areas have a lower risk of developing psychological distress and better overall health if they have more trees within a walkable distance from their homes, a study by University of Wollongong (UOW) researchers ...

Research brings swine industry closer to broad virus protection

After eight years of gathering data from more than 1,000 pigs infected with porcine circovirus 2, University of Nebraska–Lincoln researchers have identified the gene associated with pigs' susceptibility to the deadly swine ...

Solving real-world problems

Tools developed by Håvard Rue have transformed data analysis, interpretation and communication, and are applied broadly: from modeling the spread of infectious diseases to mapping fish stocks.

Geostatistical method predicts urban pollution

Researchers from the University of Castilla-La Mancha have developed a measurement system that permits the prediction of atmospheric pollution due to nitrogen oxides in a specific location and at a particular time. The study ...

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