US health experts seek more study on 'fracking'

A group of US medical professionals called Monday for a halt to a type of drilling for natural gas called "fracking" in populated areas until more is known about its health impacts.

Coping with abuse in the work place

Confronting an abusive boss is easier said than done: employees coping with the stress of abusive treatment prefer to avoid direct communication even though it would be the most effective tactic in terms of emotional well-being. ...

Researchers study toenails as marker for arsenic exposure

( -- UA scientists have teamed up to study the relationship between arsenic in human toenails and arsenic concentration in drinking water. Exposure to arsenic is associated with several chronic diseases ranging ...

British paper turns readers into newshounds

A British newspaper has thrown open its office doors, let the readers stride in, and invited them to peer over reporters' shoulders -- digitally, at least.

Novel surface triples stem-cell growth in culture

By irradiating typical polystyrene lab plates with ultraviolet (UV) waves, Whitehead Institute and MIT scientists have created a surface capable of tripling the number of human embryonic stem (ES) and induced pluripotent ...

Florida poll: Research important for state economy, jobs

A majority of Floridians (87%) believe it is important for their state to be a leader in science and medical research, according to a new state poll commissioned by Research!America. The poll also shows that 80% think spending ...

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