Study uncovers toll of economic abuse on rural women

Blocked from pursuing their careers and left without any source of income. Isolated from friends, coworkers and community. Low credit scores or resumé gaps that dog them for years after the abuse.

Flint water crisis demonstrates value of social networks

The size, strength and makeup of people's social networks are key indicators of how they will respond to the health consequences of an environmental disaster, according to a new Cornell study that focused on the Flint, Michigan, ...

Painting an accurate profile of Adelaide's homeless

University of Adelaide researchers have built a comprehensive profile of homelessness and associated health issues in Adelaide. Their work is published in the Australian Journal of Social Issues.

What is financial trauma? And what to do about it

With inflation rising faster than expected in September and fears of a recession on the horizon, many Americans are feeling symptoms of financial stress that are typically characteristic of PTSD.

The hidden crisis of England's rural homelessness

Homelessness has increased in rural communities, according to a new report by the University of Southampton. The findings reveal that 88 percent of respondents feel homelessness has increased within the last year alone.

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