Obama: 'I'm not allowed an iPhone'

US President Barack Obama admitted Wednesday he was not allowed to have an iPhone owing to security fears—explaining why he is sometimes seen with a bulky super secure Blackberry.

Europe braces for blistering June weekend heat

France, Spain and other western European nations braced on Saturday for a sweltering June weekend that is set to break records and sparked concern about forest fires and the effects of climate change.

Nano discs pose potential health risk

(PhysOrg.com) -- A revolutionary material that is used in computer technology could pose health risks to those involved in its manufacture.

Cornell offers only U.S. salmonella dublin test for cattle

Salmonella can cause serious disease on cattle farms, killing calves, causing cows to abort, contaminating raw milk and harming humans along the way. As the cattle-adapted strain salmonella dublin creeps into the northeastern ...

FDA limits some antibiotics in livestock

(AP) -- The Food and Drug Administration on Wednesday ordered farmers to limit the use of a type of antibiotics they give livestock because it could make people more resistant to a key antibiotic that can save lives, encouraging ...

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